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the Law firm

The Law firm SD Legal was established in 2002. Until 31 December 2023, it operated under the business name STSW Stoiński Świerczyński Zimnicka adwokaci i radcowie prawni sp.p. As of 1 January 2024, we operate under the new name SD Legal Stoiński Drzymała radcowie prawni sp.p.

The Firm specialises and has many years of extensive experience in providing comprehensive legal services to Polish and foreign entrepreneurs. In our Law firm, we strive to combine professional legal knowledge and many years of experience with an individual approach to our Clients’ business strategy. In the course of our cooperation with the Client, we strive to learn about the Client’s way of operating, needs and goals. This allows us to effectively advise and assist our Clients in realising their intentions while striving to provide them with maximum legal security.

Our Clients include companies with Polish and foreign capital, in particular companies with British, French, German and Austrian capital.

Within the framework of our Law firm, we offer legal services for international transactions based on cooperation with foreign law firms, in particular with those affiliated with SCHRADE INTERNATIONAL EWIV. Within its framework, we cooperate, among others, with law firms from Germany, Austria, France, Italy, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia, as well as Switzerland. In addition, we cooperate with law firms from a number of other European countries.


6% PCC tax on the acquisition of six or more apartments


On January 1, 2024, an amendment to the Law on tax on civil law transactions, which is intended to limit the wholesale purchase of apartments within a single development by institutional investors.

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Renewable energy sources

Analysis of the legal status of real estate designated for renewable energy projects (‘RES’).

Legal support of the Client in the conclusion of agreements for the acquisition or payable usage of real estate intended for RES, in particular tenancy agreements.

Legal support and representation of the Client before administrative authorities in proceedings related to obtaining approvals and permits necessary for the implementation of RES projects.

Support and representation of the Client vis-à-vis entities – media providers, power grid administrators, etc., in particular in relation to obtaining connection conditions and negotiating and concluding relevant grid connection agreements.


Company law

An important part of our practice is advice on company law. We advise corporations and partnerships on matters such as:

  • company formation;
  • transactions concerning the capitalisation of companies;
  • changes in the composition of shareholders;
  • shareholder agreements;
  • transformations, divisions, liquidations of companies;
  • Mergers and acquisitions (M&A);
  • due diligence;
  • private equity funds;
  • corporate governance.


Real estate and construction investments

We advise our clients on real estate law and real estate investment projects, including such matters as:

  • research and regulation of the legal status of real estate, including reprivatisation cases;
  • real estate contracts;
  • Lease and rental agreements, especially for commercial real estate;
  • advice on property management of commercial real estate;
  • advice on zoning and construction law;
  • contracts for the design, implementation and commissioning of construction projects;
  • advice on financing of real estate investments.


Public procurement

For several years, we have continuously advised entrepreneurs competing for public procurement contracts, particularly in the rail infrastructure and mining industry. In particular, we specialise in representing our clients in appeal proceedings before the National Appeal Chamber (Krajowa Izba Odwoławcza).


Private international law

As international economic and population exchange increases, so does the demand for legal advice on private international law. We have considerable experience in this area, particularly in cases involving the preparation of contracts for international transactions, the assertion of claims and their enforcement abroad, and proceedings for the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in Poland.


Contract law in business transactions

The Law firm has extensive and long-standing experience in drafting and negotiating contracts in business transactions. In particular, this applies to contracts such as sales contracts, supply contracts, construction work contracts, investment substitution or loan agreements. The Law firm also has extensive experience in drafting business cooperation agreements, including joint – venture or investment agreements.


Administrative and court-administrative proceedings

Lawyers of the Law Firm represent and assist Clients in conducting all types of administrative procedures, including procedures related to spatial development, real estate development, obtaining water-law permits, or all types of administrative permits or approvals, including MIAA permits for the acquisition of real estate by a foreigner.



The Law firm has extensive experience in commercial litigation, including those related to the enforcement of claims for damages related to the non-performance or improper performance of contracts and civil litigation, in particular concerning real estate.


Franc (CHF) litigation

The Law firm successfully represents Clients in so-called franking (CHF) credits cases, i.e. in cases for the annulment of a credit agreement or the de-franking of a credit. The advisory covers the analysis of the Client’s credit documentation in terms of assessing the legitimacy of a claim against the bank and representation of the Client at the pre-litigation stage, during court proceedings, as well as in contacts with the bank, including conclusion of a possible settlement with the bank.



In order to provide top quality services the law firms SCHRADE & PARTNER, Thurnher Wittwer Pfefferkorn Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Pistár Ügyvédi Iroda, Advokátní kancelář Navrátil, s.r.o, and SD Legal Stoiński Drzymała radcowie prawni sp.p. cooperate within the framework of the SCHRADE INTERNATIONAL EWIV.

The members of SCHRADE INTERNATIONAL EWIV include over 60 advocates and attorneys-at-law practicing in German, Austrian, Hungarian, Czech, Polish, European and international commercial law. The EWIV members deal sucessfully with court and arbitration proceedings owing to the expertise gained by EWIV member practitioners.

As EWIV members, practicing in Germany (i.a. Berlin, Freiburg, Villingen-Schwenningen), Austria (Vienna, Dornbirn), in Hungary (Budapest), in the Czech Republic (Pilzno) and in Poland (Kraków), are always available to counsel their European clients, they can quickly and effectively advise on issues of domestic and interational trade.

Through SCHRADE EWIV our clients benefit from comprehensive legal services in Central Europe. SCHRADE membership enables us to assemble larger legal teams whenever a client requires assistance with complex international mergers and acquisitions (M&A).

Additionally, SCHRADE & PARTNER, a German law firm, practices in the health care and health service law (in particular, in respect of reorganising and financing medical businesses, including hospitals) in Germany. Another complementary practice inside EWIV is managing bankruptcy estate and counselling in respect of rehabilitation procedures offered by the SCHLEICH & KOLLEGEN law firm.


SD Legal Stoiński Drzymała radcowie prawni spółka partnerska
ul. Urzędnicza 26/1
30-051 Kraków

Entered in the register of entrepreneurs by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, XI Commercial Division under KRS number: 0000330558.


  Tel: (+48 12) 630 90 10

  Faks: (+48 12) 630 90 11

  Tel: 505 169 645

NIP: 677-21-99-223
REGON: 356569454

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